Just passing by – 溫柔的結合系列之二 — 路過 (2013)


Original painting:

Acrylic and oil on canvas – 壓克力顏料,油畫顏料,畫布 – 40x60cm (15.75×23.62″)
Bird: Vivid Niltava  棕腹藍仙鶲

By a chance of destiny, the little bird was found to be in that place right when they saw it. Why that happened was a matter of dispute for many years; books were written, scholars speculated about the consequences; movies were directed and awarded, too.
When finally there was a chance to ask the bird itself about that, the answer left everyone puzzled.

因為命運的安排, 這隻小鳥正好在此時此地被他們看見了. 人們為此爭議了許多年,  有人出書討論, 有學者推測這現象將引發的後果, 還有人將這他拍成電影還得了獎.
當我們終於有機會問問鳥兒本尊, 他為什麼會在那兒出現時, 他的答案令人百思不得其解.

© Paolo Rui. All rights reserved



This is an unframed museum quality print on Hahnemühle Matte Fine Art, William Turner 310gsm, 100% cotton paper*
It comes in one of these three sizes:
Small size: 20x30cm size paper with image within 14x24cm
Medium size: 30x40cm size paper with image within 24x34cm
Large size: 40x60cm size paper with image within 34x54cm

*Forest Stewardship Council – Paper coming from responsibly managed world’s forests.

Additional information

Print size

Small print, Medium print, Large print